Nishat R Jan 08, 2014

Ingredients:Natural Cinnamonsticks,NaturalRaffia,Gingham15mmRed And White, HotMeltMiniGlueGun,Pack ofOrangeSlices,HotMelt8Miniglue,Sticks,RedBerries. How to make it 1.Glue some sprays of red berries around the wreath. 2.Bind cinnamon sticks together with raffia.3. Glue the bundles to the wreath at equal distances apart. 4.Make a small hole in the tops of the dried orange slices and tie together in pairs with red check ribbon.5. Glue these to the wreath. 6.Add some small red pine cones top.

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Comments (1)

Feb 10, 2014 at 05:50 AMimelda tambun

nice and lovely