How to Clean Gold Jewelry at Home

Summary: Gold jewelry is very valuable and the most popular color is yellow. People will often pass down their jewelry to the next generation. Over long-time wearing, t may get dirty, and at this time you may want to know how to clean jewelry a

Gold does not tarnish, but it does get dirty easily, lose its luster and shine. So next we will tell you how to clean gold jewelry at home. Please follow the steps below.



Step 1: Put a mild detergent in a bowl of warm water. 

Step 2: Soak your gold jewelry in the water for about 10 minutes.

Step 3: Use a soft brush to scrub off all of the dirt.

Step 4: Rinse your gold jewelry in warm water.

Step 5: Use a soft cloth to polish the gold jewelry.

From now on, you can try to clean your gold jewelry at home with this method.

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