Making a clasp-S hook

Summary: it is called S-hook clasp because there is a similarity to the letter “S”. It can be widely used. You can make a bracelet or necklace with a string. Next, let’s start to make S hook together.


Step1. Nip a piece of wire with the round nose plier and spin the plier to make a loop on the top of the wire

Step2. Clamp the other end of the wire; make another opposite loop in the same way of the first one.

Step3. Now you can see there are two loops in different direction.

Step4. Put one end on the surface of the barrel and make a circle along with the barrel.

Step5. Remove the barrel from the circle, using the same method; you can make another opposite circle 

Step6. Ok, you have finished an S hook.

Now, you get an S hook. It is very easy, right? Hope you can make more findings with us.

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Comments (1)

Jun 08, 2016 at 04:54 PM janhen pepper

Hi, so very pleased to have found you; you have a great way of sharing your obvious wisdom, thank you so very much,