Easy to Make Jewelry- DIY Your Guardian Angel Earrings

Summary: The guardian angel earrings belong to the kind of easy to make jewelry; this pair of litter cuties will soon seize your attention.

Every one of you is supposed to have an angel to guard by your surroundings; however guardian angel, lack of physical form, can only exist in our imaginations, and appear in some practical articles, like jewelry pieces; particularly the guardian angel earrings, they are easy to make jewelry.

Materials and tools:

2- Silver Tone Head Pins

2- Silver Tone Ear Wires 

2- Silver Tone Daisy Spacers

2- White Shell Pearls

2- Metal Wing Spacers

2- Silver Tone Bead Caps

2- Turquoise Blue Glass Morning Glory Beads

Round nose pliers, flat nose pliers, chain nose pliers.


Step 1 arrange beads into angel pattern

1st, Start from the glass flower bead through the pin;

2nd, thread bead cap, wing, pearl and daisy space “Halo” in turn;

3rd, guardian angel pattern is shaped out.

Step 2: make a wrapped loop to finish the dangle

1st, bead the pin right above the halo to 90 degree;

2nd, use round nose plier to make a simple loop;

3rd, wrap the rest tail below the loop; the dangle is done.

Step 3: finalize the earrings

1st, open earring hook and attach angel dangle to it; 

2nd, close the hook.

Tada, your guardian angel earrings are completed! In the matter of fact, earrings are always categorized into easy to make jewelry; besides, this angel pair, next time, you can try some others, like constellation series and zodiac series

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Comments (2)

Dec 09, 2013 at 01:36 AM linsy arun

Datzz a wonderfull piece but hw to get d materials

Jan 11, 2014 at 09:42 PM Swapna Jayesh

Nice One ..