How to Wrap a Bead with Wire - Making Your Beads More Elegant

Summary: This wire wrapping techniques will guide you how to wrap a bead with wire in a easy way.

How to wrap a bead with wire?

Step1: Make a loop around the round nose pliers at one end of the wire.

 make wire a loop

Step2: Slide a bead onto the wire and make a wire wrapped loop on the other side of the bead.

slide a bead onto the wire and make an another loop

Step3: Wrap the wire down to the bead.

wrap the wire down to the bead

Step4: Continue to wrap around the bead.

continue to wrap around the bead

Step5: Wrap the wire around the base of the wire until you reach the first loop.

continue wrapping until you reach the first loop

Step6: Use wire cutters to cut off the extra wire.

cut off the extra wire

Step7: Use chain nose pliers to squeeze the end of the wire.

squeeze the end of the wire by plier

Step8: Done!

a wire wrapped bead is finished

So you've got a wire wrapped bead. It can be elegant component to jewelries. 

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