Easy Pandahall Tutorial - How to Make a Golden Wire Wrapped Bangle Bracelet

Summary: If you love wire wrapped jewelry, you may fall in love with this golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet. Follow me to see how to make this golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet.

Easy Pandahall Tutorial - How to Make a Golden Wire Wrapped Bangle Bracelet

There are many wire wrapped jewelry on our websites. In today's easy DIY project, I'll share an easy to make golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet with you. The techniques used in this DIY project are wire wrapping techniques. Now, let's see the simple tutorial on how to make this golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet.

Supplies needed in DIY the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet:

Spray Painted Acrylic Oval Beads
1.5mm Golden Aluminum Wire
0.5mm Golden Copper Wires
Red Copper Bangle
Diagonal Plier

supplies needed in DIY the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

Instructions on how to make the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet:

Step 1: Make the first part of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

1st, cut a part of 1.5mm golden aluminum wire and twist it into a spiral pattern (as shown in the picture);

make the first part of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

2nd, cut another part of 1.5mm golden aluminum wire. Thread it through a spray painted acrylic oval bead and twist it into a spiral pattern around the oval bead (as shown in the picture);
3rd, refer to the 1st step to make another such spiral pattern.

make the first part of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

Step 2: Make the rest part of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

1st, cut a part of 0.5mm golden copper wire. Then, use it to fix the spiral pattern with spray painted acrylic oval bead onto the middle part of a red copper bangle;
2nd, add the other two spiral patterns on the two sides (as shown in the picture).

make the rest part of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

Here is the final look of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet.

final look of the golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet

What do you think of this golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet? There are no professional techniques in this easy DIY project. If you also like this golden wire wrapped bangle bracelet, you can collect some wires and try to make one by yourself.

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