Easter Craft Idea – How to Make a Lovely Felt Easter Egg Ornament

Summary: Do you want to make some easy Easter crafts? Here is a tutorial on making a felt easter egg ornament. Check here to see whether it could give you some inspirations!

Easter Craft Idea – How to Make a Lovely Felt Easter Egg Ornament

This felt eater egg craft is a recommended DIY project to do at home. You only need to prepare your needle work supplies and some normal beads. Once you've got everything ready, go ahead and follow me to make this lovely felt Easter egg ornament!

Supplies in making the lovely felt Easter egg ornament:

2.5cm Pink Ribbon
6mm Grid Ribbon
Wooden Heart Bead
White Half Round Pearl Cabochons
Orange Half Round Pearl Cabochons
Cotton Threads
Glue Gun

Supplies in making the lovely felt Easter egg ornament:

Instructions on making the lovely felt Easter egg ornament:

Step 1: Make the felt Easter egg

1st, tailor a piece of white felt paper to shape 2 eggs as below;
2nd, cut 2 pieces of pink ribbon and a piece of grid ribbon, then stick them on the surface of the felt paper and trim the fringe as shown;
3rd, repeat above steps on the other piece of egg shaped felt paper, then take your needle with cotton thread, sew them tighter with cotton filled in;
4th, sew a ribbon hoop for hanging on the top of the egg and finally trim off the thread.

Make the felt Easter egg

Step 2: Add ornaments on the felt egg

1st, chose a heart shaped wooden bead (the color is up to you), and stick it on the felt egg as you like;
2nd, stick several white half round pearl beads on the upper side of the egg, while some orange half round pearl bead on the lower part of the egg as pictured.

Add ornaments on the felt egg

Time for the final look! An easy and lovely felt Easter egg is finished in 10 minutes!

Time for the final look! An easy and lovely felt Easter egg is finished in 10 minutes!

If you are quite familiar with needle work, then this craft for Easter is just a piece of cake for you! Of course, you can replace the ornament in my DIY with other buttons that are frequently used in houses. Do you want to try?

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