How to Make Glass-bottle Christmas Ornaments for Home Decoration

Summary: Here is an easy-to-DIY glass Christmas ornament. This Pandahall tutorial will show you how to make the glass Christmas ornaments.

How to Make Glass-bottle Christmas Ornaments for Home Decoration

Glass-bottle Christmas ornaments are great candidates for making Christmas home decorations. In this easy DIY project, I want to share such glass-bottle Christmas ornaments with you. Now,let's see how to make these glass-bottle Christmas ornaments for home decoration.

Materials and tools needed in DIY the glass Christmas ornaments:

3mm Clear Seed Beads
White Shell Beads
White Trumpet Shell Beads
Tree Branches
Plastics Foam
White Lace
Stainless-Steel Scissor

materials and tools needed in DIY the glass Christmas ornaments

Instructions on how to make the glass Christmas ornaments:

Step 1:Make the main part of the glass Christmas ornaments

1st, put enough 3mm clear seed beads into a glass bottle;
2nd, insert several tree branches into the seed beads;
3rd, put a three white shell beads onto the seed beads.

make the main part of the glass Christmas ornaments

Step 2: Add a piece of white lace around the bottleneck and make a knot

make the main part of the glass Christmas ornaments2

In the following picture, you can see the final look of the glass Christmas ornaments.

final look of the glass Christmas ornaments

Do you like this DIY glass-bottle Christmas ornament? You can make several glass-bottle Christmas ornaments and put them up on a holiday-dining table. You can also add other items into the glass bottle to create a customized decoration that complements your decorating style or the existing adornments.

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