Double Connection Knots for Bracelet Knot Closure

Summary: Double connection knots, a kind of bracelet end knots, are often applied in friendship/ hemp bracelets for ending and spacing. Also they have sort of decorative effect.

Instructions on bracelet knot closure:

Step1:Clockwise wrap black strand around red;

 clockwise wrap black strand around red

Step2:Black strand goes under the loop edge and up through the loop;

black strand goes under the loop edge and up through the loop

Step3:Clockwise wrap red strand over black loop edge, under black tail, and red strand goes up through the black loop;

 clockwise wrap red strand over black loop edge

Step4:Wrap red strand around its loop edge and goes up through the red loop;

 wrap red strand around its loop edge

Step5:Tighten threads, double connection knot for braclet closure is finished.

 bracelet knot closure is finished

Here you get the double connection knot. This kind of bracelet end knots are useful in ending and spacing.

The practice of Double Connection Knot, in addition the Lucky Knot and Figure of eight knot in a body jewelry project, please click and visit the necklace showed below:


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