How to Make Vintage Red Wire Rings with White Pearl Beads

Summary: Today’s tutorial is aimed at teaching you how to make wire rings with beads. Everyone can follow me to make this vintage wire pearl ring.

How to Make Vintage Red Wire Rings with White Pearl Beads

In this simple wire wrapped ring pattern, you will know how to make a vintage red wire pearl ring. Have you ever thought that you can create a vintage ring design with red wire and white pearl? Now let’s start to learn how to make wire rings with beads in two steps.

Materials on how to make wire rings with beads

Red aluminum wire
Red 0.5mm copper wire
12mm white pearl bead
Wire cutting plier
Flat plier
Round nose plier

materials on how to make wire rings with beads

Tutorial on how to make wire rings with beads

Step1: Make basic vintage ring design

Prepare a 25cm red aluminum wire, fold it in half, wrap a loop on the middle of the wire which is a little bigger than the 12m pearl bead, then wrap about 15 circles from the opening of the loop to make the two wires together; make a small loop on the other end two wires, then coil the wires around the small loop respectively.

 make wire pearl ring

Step2: Finish vintage ring design

Do the same to wrap some circles on the other end of the wires to fix the two wires together, then use red copper wire to fix a 12mm pearl bead to the loop, when you finished these steps, bend the wire pearl ring to match your finger size.

finish vintage ring design

The final look of beautiful wire pearl ring:

The final look of beautiful wire pearl ring:

Ok, a vintage red wire pearl ring has been done. Do you like this vintage ring design? Here I want to remind you that when you wrap wires, you can use pliers to protect your finger away from hurting. I hope this wire wrapped ring white pearl will become a chic and fashionable piece in your jewelry box.

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