Step-by-step Tutorial on Making a Beaded Fringe Necklace

Summary: Today I am going to show you how to make a fringe necklace step by step. Come and follow me!

Step-by-step Tutorial on Making a Beaded Fringe Necklace

In this tutorial, I will use drop mashan jade beads and glass pearl beads for the beaded fringe necklace. It looks like so cool and colorful! Hope you will like this tutorial! Now, let’s begin!

Materials needed in making a beaded fringe necklace:

6MM Glass Pearl Beads
4MM Glass Pearl Beads
Drop Mashan Jade Beads
0.5MM Copper Wire
0.38MM Tiger Tail Wire
Brass Headpins
Brass Lobster Claw Clasp
Brass Crimp Beads

materials needed in making a beaded fringe necklace

Instructions for making a beaded fringe necklace:

Step1: Make the necklace body for the beaded necklace

1st, thread two 4mm glass pearl beads and a 6mm glass pearl bead to the wire about 25cm;
2nd, repeat the 1st until you get the desired length.

make the body for beaded fringe necklace

Step2: Add lobster clasp

1st, slide a brass crimp bead and a lobster clasp to the left wire, thread the wire end back through the brass crimp bead, pinch the brass crimp bead, and cut off the extra wire;

add lobster clasp for the beaded fringe necklace
2nd, add the other part of the lobster clasp as the same method.

add lobster clasp for the beaded fringe necklace

Step 3: Make the fringes for the beaded necklace

1st, Cut about 5cm copper wire, slide a 6mm glass pearl bead, make a loop at one end, then wrap the left part wire above the bead;
2nd, Make the another 6 bead links as the picture shows;

make the beads for fringe necklace
3rd, Attach 7 bead links to the middle of the necklace as the picture shows;

make the beaded fringe for the necklace
4th, thread the wire to a drop mashan jade bead, cross the wire ends;
5th, thread one end through the bead link and pull the end down, use the other wire to wrap it several times as the picture shows;

make drop beaded fringe for the necklace
6th, make rest of the other wire form “@” above the drop mashan jade bead;
7th, repeat 4th, 5th, and 6th to make another three;

make drop beaded fringe for the necklace
8th, thread a drop mashan jade bead to the wire, and twist two wires, then thread the two wires to a 4mm glass pearl bead;

make the fringe for the beaded necklace
9th, attach the above mashan jade bead to the bead link, and repeat the 6th and 7th , then do another one as the same;

make the fringe for beaded necklace
10th, thread a brass headpin to a 4mm glass pearl bead, cut off the rest, and make a loop;
11th, do another two beads as the same, then attach them to the middle dangle bead.

make the middle fringe for the beaded necklace

Step 4: Attach the last jade mashan bead as the 7th in step 2 to end of middle dangle.

Finished! The final look is like this:

final look of the fringe beaded necklace

Great! Do you like this DIY fringe necklace? It is so particular. Don’t wait any more!Have a try to make a beaded fringe necklace for yourself! Take it and creat it in your style, I believe you will make a better one.

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