How to Make Braided Friendship Bracelet in Bicolored Pisces Pattern

Summary: Learn how to make braided friendship bracelet in bicolored Pisces pattern with detailed information and clear photos.

How to Make Braided Friendship Bracelet in Bicolored Pisces Pattern

Let me officially introduce the braided friendship bracelet tutoiral. It takes me almost a full day to finish off. I am not really a gifted friendship bracelet craftsperson. But I devote myself into practicing and trying some unfamiliar braided patterns, like this one – Pisces bracelet pattern. later, I will show you how to make such braided friendshp bracelet.

Necessites for the braided pisces bracelet:

1mm blue nylon thread
1mm red nylon thread
1mm pink nylon thread
1mm black nylon thread
Necessites for the braided pisces bracelet:

How to make braided friendshp bracelet in bicolored Pisces pattern:

Step 1: Before braiding red fish

1st, cut 1 piece of blue thread, 1 piece of red thread(both measure 80cm), and 5 pieces of red threads which measure 1.2m;
2nd, fold the 1.2m threads in half and knot them with the sigle red and blue threads;
3rd, tie fowrad knots around following red strands with blue strand, the blue knot is done;
4th, finish 4 rows of the blue knots.

Step 2: Braid red fish body

1st, in fifth row, tie 2 blue knots;
2nd, then tie backward knot around blue strand with red strands, the red knot is done;
3rd, tie 2 red knots;
4th, tie 3 blue knots, 2 red knots and 2 blue knots to finish the 5th row;
5th, follow the diagram to finish 6th-15th rows;
6th, the red fish’s body is done.
Step 1: Before braiding red fish

Step 3: Finish the red fish pattern

1st, ignore blue strand, add a piece of black thread, tie fowrad knot around it with red strand;
2nd, the 2 red knots, 1 black knot and 8 red knots in 16th row;
3rd, in 17th row tie 4 red knots, 1 black knot and 6 red knots; in 18th, there are 7 red knots, 1 black knot and 3 red knots;
4th, add a new piece of blue thread, tie a blue knot, 2 red knots, 1 black knot and 7 red knots in 19th row;
5th, in 20th row tie 2 blue knots, 5 red knots, 1 black knot, 1 red knot and 2 blue knots;
6th, igone the black strand, in 21st row, tie 3 blue knots, 5 red knots and 3 blue knots;
7th, trim off excess blue strand in 1st process and black strand in 6th process;
8th, braid another 2 rows of blue knots.

Step 4: Braid the pink fish pattern

1st, cut 11 pieces of pink thread and each measures about 50cm;
2nd, overlap pink thread with red thread and braid blue knots around them one by one;
3rd, after braiding 2 rows of blue knots, trim off excess red strands;
4th, braid another blue knots around the pink strands;
5th, make pink fish pattern.
Step 4: Braid the pink fish pattern

Step 5: Finish the Pisces bracelet

1st, braid 4 rows of blue knots;
2nd, separate tails into two goups and do triple braiding each;
3rd, cut off excess tials;
4th, cut off excess pink stradns and melt the ends carefully.
Step 5: Finish the Pisces bracelet

The final look of this braided friendshp bracelet:
The final look of this braided friendshp bracelet:

Tada! I have done my pisces bracelet. Don’t’ be worried about the long process and time-consuming work. I promise all the efforts and time spent on this project will deserve. Make suck kind of braided friendshp bracelet and send as a gift to your pisces friends!

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