Patterns on Making a 3-strand Layered Bracelet with Gold Beads and Leather Cord

Summary: This tutorial is all about an extremely easy beaded bracelet pattern, in which you will learn the way making an easy layered 3-strand bracelet! Only 10 minutes required!

Patterns on Making a 3-strand Layered Bracelet with Gold Beads and Leather Cord

When mentioned making a beaded leather bracelet, it’s not uncommon for people to think of the popular leather wrapped bracelets. So, are there any new creations out of beads and leather cord? The answer is absolutely positive! Now, in today’s project, I’m gonna make an easy 3-strand bracelet out of these two supplies. Hope you’ll like it! Here we go.

Supplies needed in the 3-strand bracelet:

8mm Abacus Glass Beads
1mm Cowhide Leather Cord

Supplies needed in the 3-strand bracelet

How to start the 3-strand bracelet?

Step 1: Cut 3 strands of 1mm leather cord to approximately 30cm long and thread through the shank of button. Keep 3cm for the short ends, make a loop around it with the longer ones and then pass the longer ones down through the loop. Fasten the knot slightly.

anchor the button on leather cords

Step 2: Straighten the leftover leather cords and decide the ideal length of bracelet. Next, find the 1/3 location and tie an overhand knot.

Straighten the leftover leather cords and tie overhand knot at 1/3 location

Step 3: Slide on the 8mm glass beads to make the middle 1/3 of bracelet. Finally, secure the beads with another overhand knot.

 Slide on the 8mm glass beads

Step 4: Gather all 3 leather cords by an overhand knot.

Gather all 3 leather cords by an overhand knot

Step 5: Tie another overhand knot at end to create a loop just allows the button pass through.

tie a loop at end

Step 6: Trim off the excess cords!Trim off the excess cords!


finished 3-strand beaded leather cord bracelet

Learn to make a 3-strand bracelet is really an easy but challenging work. The focal gold glass beads would be perfect for a family gathering as well as a big party. So, just try the layered leather bracelet with a selection of beads you love.

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