How to Make a Lovable Pink Felt Flower Brooch with Buttons for Kids

Summary: Here is a tutorial on how to make a pink felt flower brooch for kids. This felt flower brooch is made up of a large pink flower, green leaves and a lovely bud.

Look at this beautiful felt flower brooch, you will find it looks legitimately store-bought. Follow our instructions step by step, a lovable pink flower brooch made of felt and button with wonderful design and exquisite handwork will belong to your daughter and may come in handy for certain occasions.

felt flower brooch for kids

What do you need to make a pink flower brooch?


11mm Resin Button, Pink

18mm Brass Brooch Finding

Sewing Threads

Needle (Not Shown)


Hot Glue Gun (Not Shown)

materials and tools for pink felt flower brooch

How to make a felt flower brooch for kids?

Step 1: sew all felt pieces

1st, cut out two pieces of flower shapes measuring 7cm from pink felt, one comb shape from hot pink felt, a small flower shape measuring 3.5cm from white felt, a round shape measuring 2.5cm from orange felt and four leaf shapes from green felt, which two leaves are 7cm long and another two are 6cm long;

2nd, overcast stitch two pink flower shapes along the edge using sewing thread in similar color;

3rd, straight stitch each two matched leaf shapes together and running stitch lines of leaves using gold thread.

sew all felt pieces

Step 2: arrange all shapes and secure

1st, lay the orange round felt on white flower shape and place a button atop, then sew them through the button holes. Cross stitch the edge of white flower using hot pink thread;

2nd, blanket stitch the edge of orange round felt with white thread;

3rd, place two leaves and the comb shape side by side with an overlapped part. Lay the pink flower with the white flower at the top on leaves and the comb shape, and secure with thread. Cut out a small cloud shape from white felt and sew it on a petal of pink flower;

4th, glue brooch finding at back side.

arrange all shapes and secure


finished pink felt flpwer brooch

The stitch skills we use in this felt flower brooch are common that everyone can handle. If you have no idea of these stitches, you can ask seniority in your home or search on the internet. I believe you can DIY such a lovely flower.



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