Learn about diamond symmetry

Summary: Do you know what diamond symmetry is? This article will tell you more information about diamond symmetry.

Diamonds stand for the rarity and love. People love diamonds. When you buy diamonds, what do you pay attention to except the 4C standards? Do you know there is another factor about diamond? It is diamond symmetry. Next, let’s learn more about diamond symmetry.

diamond symmetry

What is diamond symmetry?

Diamond symmetry refers to how symmetrical the diamond is and how well aligned the facets of a diamond are. It can be analyzed by using 10X loupe magnification. It is an important element of diamond finish. And it includes diamond cuts, culets, facets, table and rounded girdle. So the diamond symmetry has effect on the appearance of a diamond. If you have high requirements about the appearance of diamond, you should pay attention to the diamond symmetry.

5 GIA symmetry categories:

Poor – Defects are visible to the naked eye.

Fair – Defects are noticeable under 10X magnification.

Good – Defects are very difficult to see at 10X magnification.

Very good – Any defects are extremely difficult to locate under 10X magnification.

Excellent – No or very minor symmetry issues under 10X magnification.

How important is diamond symmetry?

Usually, what we can tell is the diamond with poor symmetry through our naked eyes. And using a 10X magnification, we can see the symmetry features clearly. But ordinarily people won’t bring a 10X magnification to see your diamonds. So for some people who are not particular about the diamond symmetry, he/ she can choose the diamond with fair symmetry. But symmetry can affect the diamond’s appearance. It is worth spending money for a higher symmetry grade if you afford.

When you buy diamond jewelry, you should remember that symmetry is not as important as the 4C’s. Hope the above information can help you to know the diamond symmetry better.

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