How to Clean Sterling Silver Jewelry

Summary: What will you do if your sterling silver jewelry is tarnished? In this article, we will introduce a method to clean sterling silver jewelry.

Sterling silver jewelry is very beautiful but the sterling silver is easy to react with moisture and then to form a layer of oxidation on its surface. The layer of oxidation will affect the beauty of sterling silver. At this time, you may find the method to clean your sterling silver jewelry. Here, we tell you a method. You can follow our steps to clean your sterling silver jewelry.


Things you’ll need:

Baking soda

Aluminum foil 


Soft cloth

Boiling water

6 Steps to clean sterling silver jewelry:

Step1: Pour enough boiling water into a bowl. 

Step2: Add a tablespoon of baking soda and a sheet of aluminum foil. 

Step3: Put your sterling silver jewelry on the aluminum foil.

Step4: Move the aluminum foil around gently to make your sterling silver jewelry touch the aluminum.

Step5: Rinse the jewelry under the running water.

Step6: Dry your sterling silver jewelry with a soft cloth.

<span "="">Your sterling silver jewelry can restore its beauty if you follow our above steps. Hope you can keep it clean.

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